Tips for traveling |
For those of you who like to travel far for vacations and traveling, maybe you need to bring some items to help you on your trip. For example, electronic equipment to take photos, and other equipment. Here are the technology recommendations that you should take with you when traveling:
If you are a technology head like me, the choice of the bits on the right if the Kit to take with you travel is a very important decision. I like to be connected to the world and well entertaining when I am sitting on a train trip of 12 hours or in a hotel room at a stop, it makes time spend much faster and I can really do some things. But what should you consider the packaging for your walk and how can it fit everything?
As with any type of packaging for travel, selecting what pieces of technology to take with you should be determined by weight, size and utility. Less is more! That means taking the smallest and light of everything you need.
If you want any computing power on your trips, then a laptop would be the obvious choice. But, do you need all the power of the computing that a laptop can give or could escape by using a tablet or a PDA? When you are dragging around 6 pounds of laptop per miles and miles, the idea of ​​a small, nice 200 grams PDA become powerful attractions. If the word is processed the main reason for taking a computer, consider a PDA with a fold keyboard. You will be grateful for the weight and space that saves. Alternatively, some tablets are more powerful than many laptops and offer the same software options so that it may be another consideration.
Your camera is another consideration. Do you need the 35 mm SLR with 4 spare lenses? Unless it goes somewhere that justifies the weight of that, then it could be better with any of the innumerable small digital cameras available in the market. Many of the newer models are around 6 megapixels and above the brand, which means that the quality of the shots is getting very well.
If you need music desperately, consider any type of MP3 player that can be duplicated as a digital photo storage device. Ipods are a good choice and pleasant and lightweight and the fact that you can store any information, such as digital photos about them, you can reduce the packaging of other storage devices.
One of the big things that you will really need for all your gadgets is the insurance. Apart from the fact that a person with many gadgets has much more than losing when they are robbed, things also derive a lot when traveling. Be sure to get insurance that covers it for the cost of a new replacement of anything that is lost, damaged or stolen.
Some minor considerations at the time of purchase can save a traveler a lot of anguish with gadgets. If you can describe your equipment so small, clear, useful and secured, you must have a nice trip!
Those are some tips related to technological equipment that must be brought when you want to go on a trip
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