nasa robot
Mars Helicopter Ilustration
What is Mars Helicopter? This is an important mission for Nasa's space agency, after successfully exploring the red planet with a robot that runs on its surface, this time Nasa sent a helicopter that will help robots on mars collect data and samples from there, which will later be sent back to earth . The name of the helicopter is ingeunity. The mission of the helicopter is to explore the planet Mars and to map the structure of the fourth planet in the solar system. With the sending of Ingeunity, this is the beginning of the first flight on the red planet.

helicopter nasa
Helicopter on Mars nasa image source
As we know, the temperature on Mars is very cold, because there is a thin atmosphere containing CO2, so to overcome damage to the robot and helicopter mars, the maker of ingeunity has conducted several trials, by making a test location similar to the surface and temperature of the planet Mars.
mars mission 2020
ingeunity nasaa source
Here are some illustrated photos from Ingeunity that will be together with robots who used to be in mars to explore. In these photos, ingeunity meets with the red planet explorer robot.
helicopter on mars
mars helicopter mission nasa

mars launch rocket
Ingeunity Mars launch, image source nasa
and these are the parts and functions of the Helicopter on duty in mars. Ingeunity is equipped with a variety of sophisticated equipment in the form of sensors, cameras, energy sources, and some motion aids, as well as tools that can support exploration there.

photo mars helicopter
Mars project Helicopters : Nasa
In the last few months, several countries have indeed been very aggressively sending rides to the planet, because according to the information obtained, Mars is very close to Earth, and if this opportunity is not utilized, they will lose the moment until the year 2022.
nasa launch robot ingeunity
Mars ingeunity helicopter source : Nasa

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